Can I translate this to Korean and share it with my friends? I moved back to Seoul from SF and would love to share this page with my fellow Korean entrepreneurs. I could have written a short summary. But it would be much impactful if I translate this in full (not long anyway) and let my friends know that it’s from you. Please let me know!

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Just another fabulous post, Marc! I love the bias toward action and the way you illustrate the importance of execution and the system around an idea.

Another framing that resonates here is feedback loops. What’s interesting about feedback loops in the context of engineering applications is that they’re often kickstarted by noise. After the initial kick, the feedback kicks in, reinforcing that initial nudge and encouraging the signal in the right direction.

So much of making progress on hard stuff is about this too. You’ve got to put in effort, but it’s 99% about the system you’ve got set up to iterate and build from the start. The important thing is to build the right system and then just do anything to get it kickstarted.

You’re quickly becoming one of the newsletters that I immediately jump over to read whenever I see you’ve got a new post. An inspiration for my own writing and work. Thanks for being here!

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I was a writing teacher all my life. I couldn’t start or run a business to save my life. For years young people came to me with fabulous ideas for novels. Ideas are a dime a dozen, I’d try to tell them, execution is one in a million. I tried not to burst the bubble of enthusiasm for their idea, but rather, gauge it—to see if it had the depth needed to execute it. Most of them, caught in the light fantastic, quailed before the thousand little acts needed to make the dream a reality. My point: this post applies far beyond start-ups.

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I needed this. I’m working on the pitch for a documentary and, man, have I stopped myself from flowing with it because I want to figure out how to write the treatment in a way that can’t be stolen. Thanks!

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I really love reading this piece Marc, my motto whenever to anything in my life is every very time you take a risk or move out of your comfort zone, you have a great opportunity to learn more about yourself and your capacity.

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I recently heard someone say, "the only way to guarantee a zero ROI is by not investing at all." I think you've written a great piece on another side of the same die. I'd be keen to read more about your iteration processes, Marc. As an agile coach I find a lot of talk about iteration from people who don't have this level of experience with really appreciating how you iterate in such a way that you can identify when a particular iteration does become worth protecting.

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Ideas are like opinions are like assholes. Millions of them good, bad, and indifferent pop into the heads of people every minute. Thanks for another great post.

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That's quite the visual!!! 😝

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Great read. As they say, the proof is in the pudding

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