The older I get, the more I learn; less is more. Happiness is found close to the necessities of life, not in needless complexity and meaningless multiplicity of choice. Great piece Marc.

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I’m new here, but I like the authenticity and pragmatism of this post. Thanks Marc! Very relevant to my life raising 3 young boys while being a newish professor. Gratitude and happy new years

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Couldn't agree more with this Marc! This year I set an intention to write for 30 minutes per day without any outcome in mind. I wanted to focus on the habit and forget everything else. Now almost a full year later, I'm blown away by how that single action has been the catalyst for so many other things I could never have dreamed of: starting my Substack, freelance writing for multiple publications, generating new work and being approached by a publisher. It's crazy how one small change in behaviour can lead to huge differences in outcomes!

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Good one Marc! We spend so much time being “busy” and accomplishing very little of meaning. My 2023 mirrors yours in that I started with a few specific goals, felt great about the easy pace all year, and as I look back I’m amazed at what I checked off. No frenzy. No urgency. Just steady and calm commitment. Happy Holidays to you!

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Great reminder Marc. An object in motion tends to keep going!

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Congratulations on completing a year of weekly blog posts! Big fan of your methodology and content, but this post might just have become my favorite share. Thanks for your ongoing mentorship!

And if you want to have additional conversations in intermediate-ish Italian, chiamami!

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Very well said. I have a feeling somewhere within us we know this but the inertia holds us back from starting/focusing.

Congrats on 2023 accomplishments!

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